
Maybe there is no such thing as someone out there for you.
Despite how near perfect my current love-'interest' may be right now. Despite how right this person seems for me. Despite how little wrong this person can be for me. Despite my thinking i can tolerate the bad sides of this person. Despite accidentally showing how i feel about her. Despite how much i love myself when i'm with her.
It's just never good enough when she doesn't think of you that way.

I may already be complete, but it hurts to know you cannot love someone.


Anonymous said…
i beg to differ...because i really do think there is someone out there for each and every one of us (despite my current state of 'single-ness')..

but it's true that it's never enough when your feelings are not reciprocated..trite as it sounds...maybe it's really time to focus on another...
Anonymous said…
hi kenny thanks for dropping by my blog :) yeah it was kinda blinky because of all the advertisements. have removed bulk of them though :)
Kenny said…
Oh, i'm always trying to focus on 'another', but people are kinda disappointing...maybe i oughta take my mind off and focus on other 'things' instead.

ms jumbled mind,
Well, think of it as *bling* haha. Does seem like you know how to promote your blog though. Thanks for dropping by *my* blog! :)

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